
Showing posts from April, 2023


Marriage.  A young an ACHOLI man is dependent upon his lineage head and elders both for permission to marry and for the material goods required for bride-wealth; elders of the woman's lineage were also much involved in the discussions and negotiations surrounding the marriage. Bride-wealth has varied over time but has usually included iron objects, domestic animals, and, in the twentieth century, money. Marriage has been typically patrilocal and patriarchal, with the husband and father as the undisputed head of the household. Although polygyny has often been presented as an ideal, limited means have always made it rare in practice. Children are highly prized, and historically a couple did not set up their own household until the birth of their first child, living until then in the household of the husband's mother. Childlessness is one of the most serious misfortunes imaginable; women are typically blamed, and the marriage often ends or the husband takes a second wife. Divorce,...

Palabek ss old students association (PASSOSA) is looking forward to start supporting the school

  Palabek Secondary School Is the best school in NORTHERN UGANDA and Uganda at large Palabek Senior Secondary School is a mixed day, middle and high school,   located  in Patanga Parish, Palabek-Gem Sub-county, Lamwo District in the Northern Region of Uganda. It is a community founded school, public and government aided, 140 km from the nearest city of Gulu via Atiak town on Gulu–Nimule highway. Palabek secondary school has approximately 725 students Students who has finished from palabek ss have started student body called PASSOSA which stand for palabek ss old student association. The forum has objective,vision ,goal and mission The current PASSOSA leaders CHAIRPERSON   OKELLO CALVINE  078353292 VICE CHAIRPERSON    ARYEMO  JACKLINE  078150640,  SPEAKER ONEN DENISH LANGOYA 0770548271 ICT PERSONNEL OLAA AMBROSE 0779835981 SECRETARY LAKONY DOUGLASS 0787067169 CHIEF MOBILISER AKOT ISHABELLA OYELLA 0776684347 TREASURER ABER SHAR...


 ```1. Can pe ki medo ki adong 2. Aming ming ongolo nge gweno 3. Agoro pe camo ngolo kulu 4. Agulu odiyo otac 5. Agwata ma tek mac aye buko 6. Akuri ma welo camo neno wang ceng 7. Aling aling ma ki celo wanga ki cogo 8. Ange tyene lit 9. Arwot ki oda 10. Atura calo ngok gwok 11. Ayom mudong cen nyero ibb lawote 12. Aweno pe ki laro ki won tol 13. Bedo inget bye oweko kom pura kwar 14. Ber ber pa lalaa 15. Bolo opuk i pii 16. Can pa min akelo oweko ki mwono ter aduku ki odok me twomo pii 17. Cet gwok ki nguku ma lyet 18. Cogo oturo wot pa gwok 19. Dako nywal ki nyeke 20. Dongo min bul medo ki latine/lanyige 21. Ducu oyoo ot pa min akec 22. Dyel ma lapele tur ibad dero 23. Dwon odiyo pilato 24. Gin ma ikwiya dari yen 25. Gwok woto kama ki bolo ite kwon 26.Gwok ma dako bene mako lee 27. I woto ma atakka pyeri opong 28. Icwak ogwang iwek gweno 29. Igal ka mwodo aboke 30. Ikeng wii ogwang ma otwoo 31. Itwaro ma odoko acut 32. Iyoke ki ajut kweyo 33. Jwii jwii ci ongole 34. Kalii cek pa ...